Storm House

    Storm House

    Storm-house-1.png Storm House

    In the world of Japanese language, storm has virous nuances. First, it means the rage of nature. Then, it can also mean a revolutionary presence in society or a creative existence that reverses the sense of value in things. In other words, “Storm House” can be taken as a “House in the Storm” or architecture itself can be stated as a storm. A house coexisting with nature, an architecture that transforms human society. Anticipated to seeing the creations of various storms.


    -Ryue Nishizawa

    -Akihisa Hirata

    -Yasutaka Yoshimura

    -Tatsuya Hatori

    -Ryuji Fujimura

    -Yukihiro Sohdai

    Storm is a natural phenomenon that means blowing of rough and strong winds. It is a word associated with the weather sometimes accompanied by rain, lightning, or snow. Figuratively, things which are very furious or violently disturbing is often likened to a storm. Storm is a concrete phenomenon, but at the same time it is an abstract concept that indicates fluctuations in society and sense of values or turning points.

    Link to Registration form

    1st PRIZE – 1,000,000 yen
    2nd PRIZE – 500,000 yen
    3rd PRIZE – 300,000 yen
    Merit PRIZE x8 – 100,000 yen each
    Total prizes amount : 2,600,000 yen.

    Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

    This competition is open to everyone in the world of all ages.

    Registration Opens April 1, 2022
    Registration Closes October 1, 2022
    Deadline to Submit Project October 5, 2022
    Winners announcement Date

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