ricardo bofill dies aged 82

    the legacy of ricardo bofill


    acclaimed spanish architect ricardo bofill has passed away aged 82. the news was confirmed today (friday, january 14th) by ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura (RBTA), the studio that bofill founded in 1963.


    born in 1939 in barcelona, ricardo bofill went on to lead one of the world’s most notable architecture studios. renowned for his radical approach, bofill’s projects are particularly noted for addressing issues of urban planning on a political and social level. his architectural legacy includes xanadú and la muralla roja in alicante, and la fabrica and walden 7 in barcelona.



    ricardo bofill has designed over one thousand projects in forty countries. in today’s image-based culture, projects such as la muralla roja have been rediscovered and immortalized thanks to its colorful and iconic aesthetics. throughout bofill’s work, color has played a central role, which can also be seen in buildings such as walden 7 and xanadù.


    with his usage of vibrant colors and bold geometries of precast concrete, the late designer has been celebrated as one of the most representative postmodern architects in europe. as such, many of his works express a sense of large-scale experimentation. while his spaces imply a rejection of the strict rules of the classical and modernist styles, he often integrated familiar classical forms, playfully reinventing long-lasting architectural conventions.


    RIP maestro.

    ricardo bofill dies
    ricardo bofill dies age 82
    image © gregori civera / courtesy of ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura ricardo bofill dies
    ricardo bofill (left)
    image © gregori civera / courtesy of ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura

    ricardo bofill dies
    la muralla roja, alicante, spain (1973)
    image © gregori civera / courtesy of ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura

    'visions of architecture' explores the captivating designs of ricardo bofill designboom

    la muralla roja, alicante, spain (1973)

    image © salva lopez / courtesy of gestalten, ricardo bofill, gestalten 2019 (also main image)

    ricardo bofill diesla piràmide, le perthus, france (1976)
    image © gregori civera / courtesy of ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura

    ricardo bofill interviewla fabrica, sant just desvern (barcelona), 1975

    'visions of architecture' explores the captivating designs of ricardo bofill designboom

    xanadù, alicante, spain (1971)

    image © gregori civera / courtesy of ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura, ricardo bofill, gestalten 2019

    ricardo bofill dies aged 82meritxell sanctuary, andorra, spain (1978)
    image © gregori civera / courtesy of ricardo bofill taller de arquitectura

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