Types of basalt and natural stone - انواع البازلت والحجر الطبيعي

Types of basalt and natural stone

Types of basalt and natural stone:

Types of basalt and natural stone: What are the types of basalt and natural stone and their uses in the work of external cysts?

1- Basalt rocks:

A type of metamorphic natural stone where it is known as surface volcanic igneous rocks characterized by black and gray color, and it contains a small percentage of silica and is suitable for covering the internal and external walls, and it has small gaps that contain green crystals and are called “two thousand” and black crystals spaced from each other and are called “Peroxide” The voids that exist between the crystals contain a sticky known as the “glass paste.”


Resistance to flowing basalt rocks is very little, so basalt rocks are generated and emerged from among the rocks without massive explosions as the basalt rocks explode under a temperature ranging between 1100 – 1250 degrees Celsius. Basalt rocks are formed due to freezing of the lava near the surface of the earth, and this does not give the ions an opportunity to accumulate, and this results in a fine surface fiery basalt rock, as it is a very hard and heavy rock.


Environments where basalt rocks are available:

1- Basalt rocks are available in the hot oceanic boundaries where the hot rocks come out on the earth’s crust as there are in the Hawaiian Islands what are called basaltic volcanoes.

2- Basalt rock is available in hot spaced boundaries, as basalt rock melts at separated separations, resulting in basalt rocks in the form of melted basaltic pads.

Basalt country:

(Italy / Germany / USA / North Africa as the state of Libya).

Types of basalt stones and rocks:

1- Soft basaltic rock.

2- black basalt rock.

3- Sakhr basaltic granite.

4- Basaltic rock is known as the mountain stalk.

5- Red basaltic rock.

Some of the uses of basalt rocks:

Basalt rocks are used in:

Manufacture of floor tiles in various forms.

– Making plumbing molds, as it is used to build monuments, due to its elegant and luxurious forms.

– Building renovations.

Paving and concrete work.

The stadiums are built.

The work of mills.

Manufacture of fire doors as it is not burnable.

Sanitation projects.


Features of basalt rocks:

1- It is a soft, shallow fire rock.

2- Moisture rock, as it does not absorb water.

3- Well resistant and heat insulating.

4- Basalt stone does not contain air voids so it is a strong insulator of cold.

5- Basalt rock is characterized as being equivalent to chemical reactions such as alkaline or acidic reactions.

6- Basalt rock is of high density because it contains silica 50%.

7- Basalt rocks are distinguished by their dark colors that fall under the black and gray color.

8- It is considered a dense rock with little resistance to weathering, which leads to its rapid disintegration.

2- Natural stone:

The oldest types of stones used in the construction process, in the facade of villas and exterior houses, and in designs and interiors.


The natural stone is divided into 3 sections, they are:

1- Metamorphic stones such as basalt and marble.

2- Sedimentary stones such as sand and lime.

3- Firestones, such as granite.


Uses and features of natural stones:

– It is used for interior and exterior floors.

It is strong, solid and has multiple shapes.

– Resistant to all weather and erosion, including sunlight, storms, and dust.

Multiple colors of natural stones according to use, including: (yellow natural stone – cream natural stone – white natural stone).

Types of natural stone:

1- Sandstone:

Consisting of quartz and feldspar elements with fragmented rock remains, this stone is considered to be a stone with sporadic features and retains water and liquids. It is distinguished by its yellow color and red and brownstone.

2- Limestone:

This stone is mainly made of calcium and some other minerals that are very soft. This stone is distinguished by its light color.

3- Child Stone:

This stone is made of clay and organic residue and is characterized by being very solid and the consistency of its grains and different colors, whether black, brown or gray.


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