Tour This Newly Unveiled Luxury Spaceship

    “Centuries of balloon and parachute operation and development demonstrate that always flying with the balloon…is by far the simplest, safest, and most robust solution,” Taber MacCallum, founder, co-CEO, and CTO of Space Perspective, said in a statement. 

    The vessel’s spherical shape creates a roomier interior. 

    Thanks to the balloon, the Jetson-style transportation is carbon neutral—in fact, it’s currently the only spaceship that can claim this feature. Traditional space launches can leave hefty carbon footprints, releasing up to 300 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In addition to the environmental benefits, the balloon also promises a smoother and calmer ride. 

    “The team has come together to create an amazingly robust, safe, and incredibly elegant and luxurious system for Spaceship Neptune. Simplicity and automation are the keys to safety,” MacCallum said. 

    The SpaceBalloon offers a smoother flight experience. 

    Dan Window and Isabella Trani—cofounders of London-based transport-focused design studio, Of My Imagination—were responsible for spearheading much of the design. The pair have previously worked on other luxury transportation ventures including the new London Tube and the VerticalAerospace VX4 electric aircraft. 

    “As transportation designers, we are always looking to drive forward how and where we can take people next,” the pair said in a statement. “Space travel is at the pinnacle of that.”

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