the merian tower concept by kohlerstraumann


basel-based architecture studio kohlerstraumann presents first images of its ‘merian’ tower concept. the envisioned building, programmed as a hotel and co-working space, is thoughtfully designed as a celebration of the swiss city’s architectural diversity, merging tradition and modernity. perched along the banks of the rhine, the tower rises above historic rooftops, with views of glass skyscrapers beyond. 


the architects at kohlerstraumann note that with the design of the merian tower, form and function go hand-in-hand. the structure is defined by its stack of slender arcades, interrupted with rhythmic vertical elements. 

kohlerstraumann merian baselimages by kohlerstraumann | @atelierskohlerstraumann



an ode to the architecture of basel


swiss studio kohlerstraumann (see more) designs its merian tower in celebration of the rich architectural heritage of basel. 


situated just along the northern swiss border of france and germany, basel hails itself as switzerland’s capital of architecture. the city’s fabric unfolds with layers of history. the postcard streets of it’s ‘old town’ see narrow alleyways meandering through centuries-old buildings. beyond, the city is dotted with contemporary landmarks designed by a range of pritzker winning architects — including herzog & de meuron’s roche towers and undulating messe exhibition hall, along with frank gehry’s novartis office building with its cluster of curving volumes.

kohlerstraumann merian baselthe tower concept overlooks the river and historic bridges

kohlerstraumann merian basel
the envisioned landmark rises above the city’s historic rooftops

kohlerstraumann envisions its 'merian' tower in basel as a stack of modern arcadesthe proposed hotel and co-working space will show views across the city

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