a tree grows in times square: CLB architects sculpts monumental FILTER during NYCxDesign

    from wyoming to times square


    An oasis emerges from the crowds of New York’s Times Square, the welcoming and sustainable FILTER pavilion designed by CLB Architects. The public installation marks the centerpiece of the 2022 Design Pavilion and stands as a 20-foot-tall steel ellipsoid, a monument to the natural environment among the most urban context.


    Actually, the team at CLB Architects is based in Wyoming, and is used to designing within vast natural landscape of the Grand Tetons over the bustle of Midtown. The architects transport a tree to occupy the FILTER pavilion, reminding visitors of the verdant natural world beyond the crowds and bright lights of Broadway.

    FILTER pavilion CLB architects
    image © Andres Orozco



    the introspective oasis pavilion by clb architects


    CLB Architects (see here) designs its FILTER pavilion to resemble a chapel. Constructed of steel and wood, the ring of pre-fabricated columns creates a place of contemplation and a moment of discovery which encourages visitors to enter a mental space of solace. The chapel-like structure fosters a sense of calm and encourages the visitor to be in the moment, connecting with one’s self and the environment in this introspective space.


    The team at CLB architects notes that the concept began as a simple diagram — a folded sheet of paper, carefully sliced, and able to stand on its own. Partner Eric Logan translated this exercise into full-scale through a design composed of a series of standard-sized, half-inch hot-rolled steel plates, or ‘chaps,’ arranged to form a 24-foot diameter, 20-foot-tall ellipsoid.


    The structure was built in partnership with EMIT’s material donation and fabrication.

    FILTER pavilion CLB architects
    image © Leonid Furmansky



    filter: on view during nycxdesign


    With the FILTER pavilion, CLB Architects partner Eric Logan sought to deliver a message about material conservation in addition to providing refuge for momentary meditation. At the close of the event, the structure will be reassembled in Wyoming at EMIT’s headquarters and enjoyed for generations to come. Meanwhile, the tree will be donated to The Battery Conservancy.


    The Design Pavilion opens during the NYCxDesign festival (see here), which began on May 10th. On Saturday, May 14th, the final evening of NYCxDesign, Times Square’s Design Pavilion will host the popular ‘Dancing in the Street’ public event from 5-7pm EST.

    FILTER pavilion CLB architects
    image © Leonid Furmansky FILTER pavilion CLB architects
    image © Leonid Furmansky FILTER pavilion CLB architectsimage © Andres Orozco

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