yongwook seong’s AI graphic novel depicts a mystical journey through seorak mountain


an ai-generated thriller graphic novel by yongwook seong


Inspired by the demonic masked protagonist of the horror movie Friday the 13th, Canada-based designer Yongwook Seong unveils his first AI-generated graphic novel titled ‘Mask Temple at Seorak Mountain’. The mysterious story recalls the journey of a traveller on his way from Seoul to Seoraksan Mountain in South Korea. Reaching a bizarre mountain temple filled with discarded masks and dedicated to a masked Buddha along the way, he encounters mystical monks who accompany him on another journey of enlightenment. 


The illustrations were created using text-to-image AI program Midjourney, in an experimental collaboration between the designer and the technology. The iterative process of discovery between the two, eventually revealed evocative narratives out of incoherent self-generating images, which Seong further refined into meaningful sequences. 

yongwook seong’s AI graphic novel unfolds a mystical journey through seorak mountain
in a sequence, the images narrate the journey of the masked traveller | all images by Yongwook Seong



the evolving collaboration between designer + technology


Expanding the boundaries of design, and exploring the emerging influence of AI in the creative industry, Yongwook Seong utilized Midjourney for the conception of ‘Mask Temple at Seorak Mountain’. Feeding text-based prompts into the AI program, the designer engaged in an ongoing, iterative process to achieve the final result. Once a number of images had been generated, he noted that alone, these lacked meaning and coherence as a result of the aggregated outputs of relevant data collected by the algorithm. Despite this, they provoked thought and gradually revealed a narrative after they were intentionally sequenced together and defined with meaning through text. Once multiple images were created from Midjourney, these played a neuronic stimulant role, which led the author to combine them as a role of synaptic connectors’, he notes. 

yongwook seong’s AI graphic novel unfolds a mystical journey through seorak mountain
a journey from Seoul to Seoraksan Mountain in South Korea



In the narrative creation process, Yongwook Seong also faced a dilemma about the communication and collaboration between the series’ two creators: the designer himself, and the artificial intelligence. He begins to question whether he distorts the interpretation of the AI-generated images by forcefully projecting an incorrect meaning onto them, or whether ‘he is he genuinely entitled to be in a position to make gullible connections between these images?’ Nonetheless, at the end of the process, he concludes that: Evolving from a simple input/output device, infinite self-generating capability would further provoke creators and help them to expand their boundaries of creation.’

yongwook seong’s AI graphic novel unfolds a mystical journey through seorak mountain
the traveller is inspired by demonic masked protagonist of the horror movie Friday the 13th

yongwook seong’s AI graphic novel unfolds a mystical journey through seorak mountain


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