Wall patterns and reliefs with ceramic tiles by Atlas Concorde | Information | Architonic

    The days when being fashionably minimalist began by washing rooms with white have long gone. Just as minimalism has acquired shades and degrees, so has its favoured wall-colour. A growing number of heritage paint brands offer a baffling number of white shades with which to pimp your paring-back. And now, with an increased need for our interiors to stimulate all our senses in multifarious ways, a more textured, sculptural minimalism has emerged that decorates with light and shadow, opening up new possibilities to interior architects designing the bones of a building beautifully.

    Walls have recently gained just such a textural treatment with the launch of Atlas Concorde’s 3D Wall Carve, a collection of ceramic tiles benefiting from the collaborative eye of Italian design legend Piero Lissoni. ‘I like the idea of the vibration that occurs when light is interrupted, when lines of shadows are created and then vanish, giving voice to light, both natural and artificial,’ he enthuses. The interaction between light and shadow is no accident – the relief and patterns of 3D Wall Carve were carefully investigated to maximise the scenic impact and allow for visual continuity.

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