Hushoffice’s functional and flexible future workspaces | News | Architonic


Theorizing about working practices is becoming an international sport – whether it’s the investigation of new office trends, examination of the hybrid model, the digital revolution and our propensity for productivity, wellness in the workplace or simply the debate around life achieving equilibrium with work. Recently, I clicked open the NY Times and was subsumed by a piece on the digital workplace and how, despite being a couple of decades or more in, it’s too soon to expect to have got it right; technological progress – and we are talking email as much as Slack and Zoom – is still battling it out with human nature. I’m suddenly reminded of dinner and click on the ‘Food’ tab – validating the first article’s arguments about digital distraction – and fall immediately on a piece about the changing face of canteen culture, now that hybrid working has totally changed how workers sustain themselves day to day. There really is no getting away from it – the workplace is in flux and we are o…


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