ensamble studio shapes the tent as a blanket that covers the area in spain




founded in 2000 and led by architects antón garcía-abril and débora mesa, ensamble studio is a cross-functional team that balances education, research and practice while exploring innovative approaches to architectural and urban spaces, and the technologies that build them. 


more than imposing new conditions, the studio reverts to an almost primordial sense of existence, listening to the landscape in its current state, and situating their actions in an ambiguous position between nature, architecture, art and landscape engineering. dubbed the tent and located in spain’s costa da more, one of the studio’s latest projects is perfectly symbolic of this complex and intersectional approach.

ensamble studio shapes the tent as a blanket that covers the space in spain
main and above image by iwan baan and ensamble studio




set as a canopy, the tent by ensamble studio covers the space like a blanket, leaving openings for both light and air to flood its interior. the project sees a steel grid mesh that has been hand-folded into the desired shape. ‘it is an architecture molded by hands, hands that fold, connect, devise structure and space in unison,’ comment the architects on the official release.


this structure is then transported to the location where it intervenes the environment, respecting it while enhancing it too. the steel grid mesh is then covered in concrete, creating a surface that showcases the hand and what is holding, creating a skin that recalls that of pure honesty.

ensamble studio shapes the tent as a blanket that covers the space in spain
image by iwan baan and ensamble studio


‘from the model, which serves as a sketch and miniature construction, we move on to the data, scanning every movement and every detail defined by the intuition of the creative moment,’ said the team. ‘design is followed by engineering and back to design. all this in 5 days and another 5 to complete the action, already in its rural environment.’

ensamble studio shapes the tent as a blanket that covers the space in spain
image by ensamble studio


‘the construction is reminiscent of the design process in its dynamics; the form has already been established, the structures calculated, the lines marked,’ ensamble studio continued. ‘the work begins by drawing the assembly in three dimensions; the measurements and proportions are checked, the orientations already in place. and once the lines are validated, we go on to paint the structure, as a painting that has been previously sketched is painted, adding matter, texture and color in a unique and unrepeatable gesture.’

ensamble studio shapes the tent as a blanket that covers the space in spain
image by ensamble studio


once ready, after layers of flexible folds stiffen, the tent by ensamble studio sits in tranquility between the trees and overlooking the sea while it waits for nature to shelter her and receiver her as one more.

ensamble studio shapes the tent as a blanket that covers the space in spain
image by ensamble studio


project info:


name: concrete tent
architects: ensamble studio
location: costa da morte, spain
date of research & project: 2020 (june)
end of building construction: 2020 (july)
author of the project: antón garcía- abril & debora mesa molina
project team: ensamble studio; javier cuesta (building engineer), borja soriano, alvaro catalan, fernando gonzález
developer: ensamble studio
construction management: materia inorgánica
consultants: jesús huerga (structure)
built area: 35 m2
photo credits: ensamble studio, iwan baan

juliana neira I designboom

dec 16, 2021


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