A Paradise in the Mountains of Ilalo / Daniel Moreno Flores + La Cabina de la Curiosidad + Marie Combette
A Paradise in the Mountains of Ilalo / Daniel Moreno Flores + La Cabina de la Curiosidad + Marie Combette

Ilalò, the sacred mountain. This project invites us to reflect on the land, understand the place where it is located, and formulate hypotheses on how architecture should be accomplished in an Andean terrain. The initial question was: how should the constructions be realized on the sacred mountain of Ilaló? We understand that the intervention must be as respectful as possible, understanding its rurality, recognizing its fragility; the slopes of the mountain must be considered, the materials must have a language with the environment, human waste must be considered, and therefore treated. The project is in a small canyon between two arms on the slope of Ilaló, the land adjoins a creek, so you can access this hidden treasure, guardian of the essence of the mountain.

Rehabilitate to build with respect. Initially, there were some constructions on the land. In the design process, we made evaluations of all the shapes and forms, to understand the circumstances of each one of them, we also questioned the logic of the previous construction used, we reflected on how to reverse certain alterations that degraded the mountain. For example, land cuts that were very transforming were returned to the slope. In the exterior areas, we began to plant native trees so that the birds could return. The natural forms of the land itself were considered to enhance them, such as water wells or runoff. We considered the creek to be of great value and how to conserve it. The constructions annexed to the main buildings were removed, other constructions that required a lot of effort were left there and were transformed conceptually. We recycled spaces and elements, we also obtained materials from the territory, understanding the value of the resources.

Thinking of the territory.Starting from a geographic center, in the upper part, in topographically preserved areas, pathways were made with stone covers that articulated distant spaces in the terrain. In the lower part, in hilly areas and cut in their reliefs, aerial walkways were built that connected to the lodges, generating a walkway over the roofs of the houses and the idea is that in the future people will walk along the top of the trees, in this light structure.

The lodges are installed in aluminum structures of construction that were not completed. These existing spaces were treated as contemporary ruins, and two wooden and earthen dwellings were built inside the two houses. The interiors of the roofless ruin were conceived as intimate gardens filled with tropical plants, it is an adventure of discovery to reach the room: it is a natural experience.

Experiencing exceptional views of the valley of Los Chillos and the nearby mountains (Quilindaña, Cotopaxi, Pasochoa, Illinizas, Corazón, Atacazo), two viewpoints for contemplation and introspection were defined, hugging an existing construction for public use. For the rehabilitation of this building, handicraft work was considered with reference to the unique types of reed baskets of the zone; walls, ceilings, furniture were made with this vernacular material reviving ancestral techniques.

In this rainy area, the mountain captures the water and continues to trickle long after it stops raining. Recognizing the value of the water paths, they were channeled to accompany people’s walks. In addition, an existing water accumulation was enlarged by making a hole in the ground for people to visit and enjoy.