ZITA elevates a twisting home amongst a cloud forest in páramo, colombia
a house in the clouds
colombia-based studio ZITA designs and builds its páramo house in the andean mooreland, seeking to exemplify construction within the fragile ecosystem. with great respect for the high environmental value of the land, the timber dwelling had been developed after three years of research alongside curator and author cristina albornoz. the cabin-like home is located at an altitude of 10,660 feet (3,250 meters) above sea level.
the design team celebrates the important ecology of the andean moorelands, noting that the area permanently produces water thanks to the relation between its unique vegetation capable of absorbing water from the atmosphere, and its perpetual cloud forest condition. this cloud landscape is a permanent feature on the horizon, permanently varying the depth of view and with it hiding and revealing the mountains.
images © ZITA | @zita_architecture
the elevated structure
with its house in páramo, ZITA (see more) seeks to occupy the landscape lightly. the house is elevated atop a set of concrete pillars which are supported without the use of a floor beam tying them together, therefore avoiding any interruption to underground water flows.
atop these pillars, a series of prefabricated timber porticos are installed and tied together by means of a system of prefabricated OSB walls and roof which operate as a structural diaphragm making the house’s skin part of its structure. by prefabricating the house, both construction time and waste were reduced. the assemblage of the house was performed 100% by hand and therefore avoiding the need for heavy machinery.
the two modules of the house in páramo
ZITA divides its house in páramo, colombia into two modules connected by a suspended sunroom. the main module holds the master bedroom and bathroom, and all communal areas. the second module contains two rooms and two bathrooms. by fragmenting the program the scale of the house is broken up and reduced, and the two modules end up having larger facade surfaces allowing for multiple and varied views and transparencies. the communal spaces face the predominant north mooreland view and have a steel closing which can be actioned using a hand-operated chain hoist to transform it into a terrace allowing the interior to extend outwards.