Using light as an architectural tool with Archilume | News | Architonic


For architects and interior designers, lighting helps to demarcate areas of an interior, albeit subtly, through the intangible medium of light. A space-saving alternative to partitions and walls, lighting can informally subdivide open-plan spaces into zones devoted to different uses – a bar area in a hotel lobby, say, or the kitchen area of a living-room-cum-kitchen.

Modular lighting in particular appeals to designers seeking to delineate different zones, as it’s highly flexible. Since it can be enlarged by adding more components or made smaller by removing some, it allows rooms to be easily reconfigured to meet changing requirements.

Lighting also impacts on moods and wellbeing, with brighter lighting in a spacious hotel lobby enhancing its social vibe, while dimmable lights in a bar inevitably soothe those unwinding after work.


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