Unnamed House / Associates Architecture + Ohla Studio
Unnamed House / Associates Architecture + Ohla Studio

Text description provided by the architects. Unnamed House is a residence, gallery, and collaborative platform that houses collectible furniture and products designed by Ohla Studio. Ohla Studio invites collectors and creatives to experience the house and inaugural furniture collection.

Unnamed is for artists and collectors impassioned by and engaged with the inspirations of the cultures, communities, and traditions we live in. It’s a vessel in which ideas, designs, and architecture travel from person to person. We ask: how do we serve our local communities as they evolve? How do we build within the traditions of the past as new challenges loom? To answer these questions, Sin Nombre works with local communities and embraces artists who engage art, design & architecture in ways sensitive and responsive to historical and aesthetic ecologies.

An original monolithic stone base leads you to the door, a portal that strips away the density of the barrio and leads you from the narrow callejón to the interior of the house. The continuity of materials creates a seamless flow between interior and exterior space. The walls, floors, fixtures, plasters, finishes, and open-air rooms are all a part of this internal-external relationship. Walking up the spiral staircase in all-natural light continues this conversation. The halls and pathways of the house are a flow of dilations and compressions leading from one room to another.

Facing north, all light that enters the home is indirect, soft, and calming. No windows face outside the house, so each space is sunlit from its own patio. The only aperture is a small square opening in the bedroom that frames San Miguel’s distant cathedrals.

The space is private, it reconnects with the surroundings from the rooftop terrace, which looks out a full circle on the neighborhood around, the hills above, and the town below.