The Habitat : 2.0 – Rethinking Student Housing in India


The Habitat : 2.0 – Rethinking Student Housing in India

Insta-Poster-Competition-9-A.jpg The Habitat : 2.0 - Rethinking Student Housing in India

An invitation to all designers to design a innovative Student Community Living in India. A Student Community Living concept is something we are trying to achieve through this design brief. A community where a student has a range of living options to choose from , as per his/her requirements , an accommodation that comes loaded with complimentary facilities such as fitness centers , laundry services , air conditioners , food courts , play grounds , gardens & much more , a community which respects individuality but at the same time is very flexible such that it blurs the threshold between indoors & outdoors and a community that is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also functional , sustainable & fulfills the physical & psychological needs of students.

The challenge is to design an innovative student housing in India for 140 students with all individual & shared amenities.

Link to Registration form

TOTAL PRIZE MONEY : INR 1,75,000 + 15 Honorable Mentions
1st Prize – INR 1,00,000 + Certificate + Publication
2nd Prize – INR 50,000 + Certificate + Publication
3rd Prize – INR 25,000 + Certificate + Publication
– BEST STUDENT DESIGN ENTRY : Certificate + Publication
– BEST ARCHITECT DESIGN ENTRY : Certificate + Publication
– BEST DESIGN PRESENTATION AWARD : Certificate + Publication

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

The competition is open for all creative minds irrespective of their profession. Minimum eligible age for participants is 18 years.A team can have maximum 3 members. Participants can submit multiple entries but each entry needs to be registered with different mail id.You can also participate as an individual or two member team.

Registration Opens March 30, 2022
Registration Closes July 20, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project August 20, 2022
Winners announcement Date September 20, 2022

Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition



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