‘the artwork of studying’ explores utopian concepts of training at centre pompidou-metz


the art of teaching and learning


the creativity and unbridled imagination of young children is inspiring. the way they play in nature, dream up fantastical characters and stories and draw whatever’s in their minds. however, after 13 years of school, and maybe four years of higher education, what remains of that childhood artistic expression?


rethinking education, and specifically, artistic training is nothing new. in the 1960s and 1970s, artists such as robert filliou advocated for alternative modes of education, asserting that teaching and learning are forms of art in themselves. now, a new exhibition at centre pompidou-metz is re-examining these utopian ideas and their relevance today. through 200 works and documents, ‘the art of learning’ explores the non-schools, anti-universities, talking circles, educational walks and video universities that emerged during the revolutionary period of the 60s and 70s.

‘the art of learning’ explores utopian ideas of education at centre pompidou-metz
jean-marc brodhag, the salon adventure playground, metz, 1977-1980

© jean-marc brodhag



a journey through six actions and a utopian classroom


the exhibition at centre pompidou-metz takes visitors on a route through six thematic sections identified as six verbs: creating, speaking, agitating, programming, searching, maintaining. curated by hélène meisel, some works are usable,
such as stéphanie marin’s game of shapes and letters, a machine by julien prévieux for playing noughts and crosses and a circular agora built by dan peterman with bags of sand. visitors to the exhibition can interact with the works, reinforcing the key principle of learning through doing.

‘the art of learning’ explores utopian ideas of education at centre pompidou-metz
smarin, schooltopia, 2021

© smarin



at the end of the exhibition space, there’s an experimental classroom designed by smarin (stéphanie marin) named ‘schooltopia’. the 120 sqm room explores autotelism, the idea that an event or activity is an end in itself without the need for any prescribed outcome.


marin explains in an interview with curator hélène meisel, ‘becoming deeply immersed, losing all notion of time, feeling intense joy and the possibility of serenity. such a state could be sought as an end in itself, with any creative or productive outcome being contingent and non-essential. so in our design for the classroom we incorporated a series of boxes containing games without rules and without words that the pupils could use. art offers unique access to the autotelic experience.’


‘schooltopia’ is reserved for groups during the week and open to all at weekend. the classroom is a space for exchange, relaxation and reflection, and an opportunity for children from traditional state education systems to learn autotelic artistic practices.


‘the art of teaching and learning, a school for creators’ is on view at centre pompidou-metz from february 5th until august 29th, 2022.

‘the art of learning’ explores utopian ideas of education at centre pompidou-metz
smarin, schooltopia, 2021

© smarin

‘the art of learning’ explores utopian ideas of education at centre pompidou-metz
anonymous. lygia clark, rede de elástico, 1973. new print

courtesy ‘the world of lygia clark’ cultural association, n°20480

‘the art of learning’ explores utopian ideas of education at centre pompidou-metz
doris stauffer, witches course, body mirror, 1977-1979

bern, swiss national library, prints and drawings department, archives doris stauffer

‘the art of learning’ explores utopian ideas of education at centre pompidou-metz
superstudio, educazione, 1971 collages and white gouache on black card, 50 x 70 cm paris, centre pompidou, musée national d’art moderne

© superstudio
© centre pompidou, MNAM-CCI/georges
meguerditchian/dist. RMN-GP



main image: otobong nkanga, the weight of scars, 2015
paris, centre pompidou, musée national d’art moderne
© otobong nkanga
© photo centre pompidou, mnam-cci, dist. rmngrand palais / philippe migeat




smarin, écoletopie, 2021. © smarin

smarin, écoletopie, 2021. © smarin

jonathas de andrade, educação para adultos, 2010. collection of the artist. courtesy galeria vermelho, são paulo

jonathas de andrade, educação para adultos, 2010. collection of the artist. courtesy galeria vermelho, são paulo

project info:


exhibition name: the art of teaching and learning, a school for creators

curator: hélène meisel, research assistant and curator at the centre pompidou-metz

venue: centre pompidou-metz, metz, france

dates: february 5th – august 29th, 2022


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