stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards


helping the stray dogs of thailand 


According to a survey from the Thai Department of Livestock Development regarding dog populations in 2016, 750,000 out of a total of 6.7 million dogs in Thailand are strays, with the number constantly growing to this day. It is estimated that in Bangkok alone, there are 100,000 to 300,000 street dogs. Having no one to take care of them and barely surviving on pity, these animals roam the busy streets and are constantly exposed to harsh climate conditions, accidents, and abuse. 


With this pressing issue in mind, Thai community group Stand for Strays has created Homeless Allot Model, a functional shelter for stray dogs made out of recycled billboards. The structure is easily deployable and can be set anywhere within the urban context of Thailand to protect our furry friends from heavy rain and harsh sunlight.

stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards

all images courtesy of Stand for Strays



discarded billboards turned into shelters


Stand for Strays has launched its Homeless Allot Model with the goal to upgrade the urban fabric of Thailand and transform it into a dog-friendly environment. The structure is made out of a discarded billboard that has been repurposed into a functional shelter. The billboard panel is placed flat against a wall, fixed with hinges at its top, but can open at the bottom to create a tent-like canopy for any dog in need. On the back of the panel, a small platform has been installed, keeping the dog above ground level. This platform provides the animal with a safe, hygienic, and dry place to sleep, while it also allows for food to be placed in the shelter, without it being in direct contact with the ground. The panels can be easily unfolded by passers-by whenever they notice a stray dog wandering in the area.


The structure is made based on the idea of the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and it intends on saving the strays without increasing environmental pollution. It is made entirely of recycled and reused materials and since it lies flat on the walls, it keeps the pre-existing landscape almost unaltered.

stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards

stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards

stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards

stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboardsstray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards stray dogs in thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards

project info: 


name: Homeless Allot Model
designer: Stand for Strays 

myrto katsikopoulou I designboom

apr 24, 2022


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