Step Inside Aimee Song’s Los Angeles Dream Home


“This was my dream neighborhood, ever since I was little.” So says Aimee Song, fashion entrepreneur, social media mogul, and founder of Song of Style—a blog turned fashion and lifestyle brand—of her meant-to-be home. A historic neighborhood in central Los Angeles known for its quiet streets and impressive houses caught the eye of Song and her family from a very young age. “I grew up in Downtown L.A. and there really weren’t any safe places to walk around,” she recalls, “we’d drive over here during the holidays or even with our mom just to walk the dogs.” Fast forward a decade or two, a period working in interior architecture, an enviable fashion and influencing career, and six-plus million social media followers and here we find a nine-month pregnant Song, alongside longtime boyfriend, Jacopo Moschin, nesting in their memory-filled abode.

Like many, Song and Moschin ended 2019 with with hopes for a bright new decade. “We got the house literally right before the pandemic,” the young multi-hyphenate says of the drawn out moving process. A space that had only housed one previous owner—an older couple looking to downsize from their family home. Song took this as a sign. “People don’t really flip or move in and out of this neighborhood,” she reflects, “they stay.” But just like that, someone left, and a 1920s Spanish revival home nestled comfortably in a historic Los Angeles neighborhood became theirs.

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So with location and great bones checked off the list, space planning was next on the agenda. “Spanish style homes are great but they also tend to be very dark with lots of tiny rooms,” (eight, to be exact), “and few windows,” Song notes. And because crafting an open and inviting space was a top priority for the parents-to-be, breaking through walls was a prerequisite. Starting out the renovations alongside her father—this was the third home the duo had worked on together—Song tapped into her interior architecture background to modify the home in a way that would best tend to her and Moschin’s needs.

“We honestly went in blindly,” she jokes of her and her father’s approach to remodeling. “It was great. . . but then we sort of let my dad go,” she says with a laugh. Enter architect and designer Antonio Forteleoni and long-time friend of Moschin. The couple brought him in to help oversee the space planning, particularly for the primary bedroom and kitchen. But toward the tail end of the project, the interior architect was poached. “Kelly [Wearstler] and her husband came to see our house during construction and took him on the spot,” Song says admiringly of the architect, who until recently served as the design director at Kelly Wearstler.

Chez Song, under Forteleoni’s guidance, the kitchen was first to go. “It was half the size,” she says of the now airy and fresh room. An area that is typically one of the most precious of a home, Moschin and Song made sure to combine their individual tastes by remembering the power of compromise. Case in point: their eye-catching kitchen island featuring a Calacatta Viola marble countertop. “I really wanted a waterfall island but Jacopo and Antonio were like ‘absolutely not’,” Song says, laughing at the “impractical” and “American” ask. (A T-island ended being being the perfect compromise.) 

“Living with an Italian, I just somehow became more paired down,” she notes of the “collaborative” renovation and decoration process. Drawing inspiration from their individual cultures, Song and Moschin successfully merged their backgrounds to reimagine a space that fuses a Mediterranean flare and Eastern design ethos. “Now we have our dream house that we built together,” Song reflects. “Every time we travel we’re always so excited to get back home and just stay home.” 

After holding off on having a nursery for her first child, Song’s nesting phase kicked in. “We just want[ed] to redo everything.” Cue a den turned walk-in-closet and turned nursery. “I literally decided last week,” she says. And considering that the new mom’s water broke the morning after the photos for this feature were taken, it looks like everything was done just in time.


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