Stack By Step Crimson Zone Boarding Home // Ismail Solehudin Structure
Text description provided by the architects.
Issue and Main idea
After we found out that the site having such a small area, located in crowded urban space and will be used for commercial building. We are doubt, is the common typology dorm by using single or double loaded concept are the best design for land effectiveness in our project?
We did a study to compare the general double loaded corridor concept with our concept and the result showed that the common concept is not more effective than what we offer.
Taking over corridor area that used to be human circulation for unit area is our first idea.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
This idea makes the stair become the only one horizontal and also vertical circulation between every unit. Also, the stairs could be a social space for the residents. So, with the exact same total of units, the concept we offer giving more less floor space area than the common double loaded concept.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
It proves that our concept is more effective for land effectiveness.
This circulation system become another architecture statement than the other dormitory design typology . To make this statement stronger, we used red colour for façade. It is because red is the most intense colour and its wavelength are 630 – 760 nm, that making red colour instantly grab people’s eyes.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
Massing & Passive Design StrategiesThe function and location which is a multi-dwelling between residential area become the idea for the building form, we want this building imaging a cumulative stacked houses. We implement this image through the stacked mass formed by the main circulation, this implementation formed a split-level space.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
Then, the fragmented sloping roof that follow each unit’s grid below make the image stronger. The space under those roofs will be used as a mezzanine to expand the unit’s room on the future. In the same time, stacked mass with fragmented roof become another respond for tropical climate that potentially having more air circulation to the inside of building.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
Another strategy is making a setback distance on every side of the mass so the mass won’t adhere the other building around and it also formed a void. The emptiness of pilotis mass connect to the void in the middle green space that also a staircase and green space on the back of the site.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
These 2 areas placed between every unit and it became a source of air and sunlight, it maximized by the perforated foot step that air and light can be pass through from the pilotis mass and skylight. The emptiness space formed by pilotis mass become some support area for the resident such as parking area, communal space, pantry and laundry area.Details & MaterialThe stair as the only one access to the unit, sculpturally designed by a suspended structure using steel and iron.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
It shows a hanging stair system structure that gives an iconic and memorable experience for the residents. Steel perforated flat on the stair’s foot step, makes the light from skylight and its shadows can move through and highlighting the combined texture between exposed brick and red metal wall and make stronger the room characteristic that continuouse with exterior design.
This building, basically have a light structure on highest floor that doesn’t have any loaded from above.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
This system uses to make the more effective structure. We use a roof material that usually use steel frame for the wall on the highest floor, meanwhile on the ground floor we use concreates for the floor and exposed brick for the wall. Those exposed materials could minimize maintenance of the building so it doesn’t need to be repaint.

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture
Colour changes will happen naturally by the time and climate for the longterm effectiveness..

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture

© Ismail Solehudin Architecture