Spray foam insulation: Conserve energy, reduce carbon emissions, and ensure indoor comfort


Architects are increasingly turning to closed-cell spray polyurethane foam to insulate commercial and residential building projects. The innovative material serves multiple functions in the building envelope as a single solution for thermal, air, and moisture control. By sealing the building enclosure with spray foam, architects eliminate the specification of numerous additional products and can achieve up to 50 percent in energy savings.

Spray foam is durable, lightweight, and may be used in all climate zones, tenaciously adhering to nearly every substrate. It remains in place without settling, providing consistent R-value over time. It is ideal for interior, exterior, and continuous insulation applications.

A Big bonus: Huntsman Building Solutions (HBS), a global leader in spray foam solutions, diverts single-use plastic water bottle waste from landfills, leveraging a transesterification process to transform that waste into spray foam. The end result is insulation which conserves energy and reduces emissions in structures—a win/win for the Earth and end-user.

Interested in specifying spray foam insulation? HBS sets standards in life/safety and fire testing and provides building science & engineering support, ready access for software subscribers of MasterSpec and SpecLink, as well as continuing education. Contact our Building Science department at BSE@huntsmanbuilds.com, (855) 9-HBSBSE / (855) 942-7273 and visit huntsmanbuildingsolutions.com for technical and product benefits information


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