seoul design award 2023 launches citizens’ vote to promote sustainability


seoul design award 2023 invites public to vote


In it’s fourth edition, Seoul Design Award 2023 is inviting citizens to vote online and offline. The international design contest reviews and celebrates projects that solve everyday challenges with creative ideas. From September 27 – October 15, 2023, the competition platform encourages the public’s participation to promote the Awards’ purpose of sustainability, in Korea or overseas. Out of 356 submissions from 62 countries, 22 winning submissions have been professionally reviewed for the past few months by judges around the world, including designboom co-founder Birgit Lohmann.

seoul design award 2023 launches citizens’ vote to promote sustainability
(above) Amphora: Water machine design shape (Tunisia)

(banner) Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Pavilion (Thailand)

all images courtesy of Seoul Design Award 2023



Against this backdrop, the Seoul Design Foundation, which organized the Seoul Design Award, is holding a citizens’ vote to promote the purpose of the contest and the role of design in leading the society in a better direction. The vote takes place both online and offline simultaneously, where the online voting for those outside of Korea is held until October 15th on the website of the Seoul Design Award 2023. In line with changing social trends, the competition focuses on solving challenges of everyday life and sustainable design, expanding its submission categories. 

seoul design award 2023 launches citizens’ vote to promote sustainability
Secretary of Urbanism and Environment of Fortaleza (Brazil)



10 selected works announced on october 25, 2023


Design projects executed and researched in various countries including Italy, Thailand, Mexico, Uganda, and Tunisia were selected as candidates for the Grand Prize. The jury focused on creative ways of solving problems for public value and collaboration with different members of the society to spread the impact of design. Most of all, the panel looked for harmonious relationships between the people, society and environment.


The one team that receives the Grand Prize, announced on October 25, is receiving a cash prize of KRW 50 million, while the three teams that win the Best of the Best Prize are granted with KRW 15 million each. The award categories have also been expanded to include special awards such as the Digital Award and Research Award, while the Citizens’ Prize, which is voted by citizens, is divided into Korea and overseas, and awarded to the two teams that won the most votes in each region, with a prize of KRW 5 million, respectively.

seoul design award 2023 launches citizens’ vote to promote sustainability
JERRYCAN BAG / Safe way solution for Africa children (Uganda)



Seoul Design Awards allows online & offline VOTING


In line with the award’s value of sustainability, the installations and event souvenirs of this exhibition were made with eco-friendly and upcycled materials. Accordingly, the Seoul Design Awards hold the citizens’ vote online and offline from September 27 to October 15 16:00 (KST) to select the Citizens’ Prize. In Seoul, works subject to vote will be exhibited during this period at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP)’s D-Forest lobby and receive votes on-site. Meanwhile, overseas visitors can vote via the Seoul Design Awards website. 



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