See How the World’s First Floating Skyscraper Would Be Built


For Clouds Architecture Office, a firm best known for maximizing space through the medium of light, the future of architecture starts by looking to the clouds. The firm’s partners, Masayuki Sono and Ostap Rudakevych, explain the process of their latest conceptual endeavor as a reflection on the historical shape of structures. “When we stepped back and looked at the broad sweep of architecture over a long span, even going back to its origins, we discovered a clear trend. Buildings are getting taller, thinner, and lighter over time,” Sono says. 

To reach skyward, we have to consider the past. Rudakevych explains that prehistoric humans lived close to the ground, even underground. “Over time we accumulated building knowledge that allowed us to build taller structures: Pyramids, stupas, pagodas, and cathedrals,” he says. At the same time, aerial developments allowed for our inaugural steps off the ground—the first hot air balloon in Paris in 1783, the first powered flight in North Carolina in 1903, even the Space Age. The future, it seems, is trending upward. “By leaving the surface we can allow our planet to heal itself: There won’t be any need for dead concrete highways and sprawling concrete urban agglomerations that choke the Earth’s surface,” Sono explains.

In developing their design, the architects looked back at the entire history of architecture. In doing this, they found a trend: With each generation, building has become taller and thinner.

Clouds AO has conceptualized a single, suspended city along the equator with capacity to house the entire Earth’s population. The vision is eerily Edenic. “Imagine the whole of Earth’s surface fully vegetated, free of any built structures or hard scape,” Sono says. Imagine is all we can do right now, as the vision of floating humanity away from the perils of natural disasters for the planet’s rejuvenation remains a concept we likely won’t live to see for decades. But for the architects who envisioned the space, that’s not the point. It’s more so to push our collective thoughts on what consider moving forward in an increasingly fragile planet.

Cloud City, a proposal for provisional housing in the aftermath of a hurricane, is a similarly speculative project with its roots in actual disaster research. In the wake of Katrina, half of New Orleans’s residents were displaced and dispersed. “Their communities were broken up, preventing residents from being involved in decisions about rebuilding, and slowing down economic recovery in New Orleans,” Sono says. Cloud City’s intent was to keep communities together through suspension directly above their cities.


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