rug ’n roll stools draped in concrete canvas embrace organic forms + unique textures


Budde explores the RAW MATERIALITY OF Concrete Canvas


Exhibited at Alcova during Milan Design Week 2022, Johannes Budde introduces his new stool collection, RUG’N ROLL, featuring his exploration of an industrial concrete composite, Concrete Canvas®. Pushing the boundaries of innovative materials, RUG’N ROLL’s soft-looking drapery illustrates the physical and aesthetic potential of the material, which creates a fascinating symbiosis with the actual mechanical strength of concrete.


As a unique feature for furniture, RUG’N ROLL is waterproof and fire-resistant. It can perfectly serve as indoor and outdoor furniture with an extraordinary life span. Additionally, BUDDE embraces the unique textile characteristics of Concrete Canvas® to speed up the installation process by ten times and tests the material’s nature with no anticipated results.

rug ’n roll stools draped in concrete canvas embrace organic forms + unique textures
RUG’N ROLL concrete stools, rusty red & light beige

all images courtesy of Johannes Budde



RUG’N ROLL stools FEATURE smooth, rug-like texture


‘In its initial state, it is essentially Concrete on a Roll™ which is very flexible and can take any shape,’ Johannes Budde of BUDDE notes. After various trials of trying to bend the material, the most promising technique was to roll the canvas by hand. As a result, the material naturally emerged into an organic shape because of its characteristics reminiscent of flexible rugs, which influenced the name of the project RUG’N ROLL.


To solidify the final shape of the stool, the canvas is watered causing the concrete later inside the fabric to harden within 24 hours. It then becomes highly durable and stable. Vibrant coloring and finishing are applied in a last step creating a smooth fabric texture, which gives character to the stools and elevates the value of Concrete Canvas®.

rug ’n roll stools draped in concrete canvas embrace organic forms + unique textures
concrete stools with natural tone denim blue & dark yellow

rug ’n roll stools draped in concrete canvas embrace organic forms + unique textures

rug ’n roll stools draped in concrete canvas embrace organic forms + unique textures
concrete stools with natural tone

german newcomer studio budde presents rugn roll soft looking concrete stools 3
collection of stools colored with natural tone


rug ’n roll stools draped in concrete canvas embrace organic forms + unique textures
concrete canvas® during production process

german newcomer studio budde presents rugn roll soft looking concrete stools 4
RUG’N ROLL concrete stools outdoor usage

german newcomer studio budde presents rugn roll soft looking concrete stools 5



project info:


name: RUG’N ROLL concrete stools
designer: BUDDE



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: zaha mango | designboom


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