Ride – Challenge to design a transit hub for buses

Ride – Challenge to design a transit hub for buses

Ride_Cover1.jpg Ride - Challenge to design a transit hub for buses


Buses, Trains, Taxis, and other forms of native transport systems in different parts of the world have provided humans with an option of hassle-free transit options within cities and states. These transit systems have adapted to the needs of the particular locality ever since their inception. The purpose of such a public transit system is that it helps reduce the clutter on the street which has far-reaching effects on the economy and the environment.

Contrary to its intentions, the scenario of public transport is seen to be substandard due to neglect, which creates a negative image of the system. The current situation around the world is that vehicular pollution has undeniably gone through the roof and measures to curb this have been implemented around the world. But not all of these systems would prove feasible over the long run or even sustainable.

The endorsement of public transit by citizens has never been more urgent. But while the operational infrastructure of the transport facility is in place, its use is restricted as not much forethought is placed on the quality of travel and well-being of passengers.


A transit-oriented system or development is the plan that is up and coming as a part of various smart city initiatives and sustainable community acts. It is the creation of a pedestrian-oriented and public-centred approach to transit methods around the city. Not only would this reduce the carbon emissions of the place, but it would also considerably reduce the stress levels of living and depending on vehicles for travelling even within close distances. Transit-oriented development would pertain to regional planning, walkable neighbourhoods and revitalisation, all combined.

Dallas is one of the many cities around the world that requires attention to its transit system that can be a pioneer to the movement taking form, standing as an ideal example. There are many transport modes that are scattered over the city but the navigation is complicated and inefficient. In the case of this city, the abundance of transit options is not well supported by assistive functions, making it undesirable for people to use thereby, leaving them unused and neglected.

How can we promote the use of public transport and change the perception of transit hubs among the general public?

The architecture competition brief calls for a design of a transit hub for buses.

Link to Registration form

Winner 6000$
Runner – Up – 1400$ x 6
People’s Choice – 600$ x 4
Honorable Mention – 600$ x 12

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

The minimum eligible age for participation is 18 years.
The competitions are open worldwide for designers from any discipline.
You can participate as an individual or as a team of a maximum of 4 members.
All students and professionals can participate in the competitions.

Registration Opens April 14, 2022
Registration Closes April 18, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project April 19, 2022
Winners announcement Date June 16, 2022

Location of Project (if developed)

Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition


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