Radical Innovation Awards
Radical Innovation Awards

Through a blind judging process, the jury will review all submissions entered online at RadicalInnovation.io
All concepts will be judged on originality, creativity, design, feasibility, and quality of presentation. Finalists will be shortlisted, and the Jury will mentor the concepts of their choosing.
Finalists will be flown to New York to present their ideas live at the Radical Innovation event in fall 2022, in front of a room of top hospitality, design and business leaders.
Through an annual competition, Radical Innovation mobilizes innovators from around the world with the ideas to propel the industry forward. The result is a creative community gathered by the same passion for innovation, introducing the dreamers to those equipped with the necessary resources to bring such concepts to life. The competition alone has awarded nearly $200,000 to pioneers in hospitality and design, but overall, Radical Innovation serves as a platform that connects and inspires.
Link to Registration form
Professional Design, Concept or Built
Winner $10,000
First Runner-Up $5,000
Student Design, Concept or Build
Winner $1,500 plus and opportunity for university assistant ship www.radicalinnovation.io/studentprogram
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), More than one stage (Winners selected after at least two selection phases)
Student entries are complimentary and Professionals pay a nominal fee of US$250.
We’re looking for radical ideas to change the future of hospitality, architecture and travel.
Registration Opens February 15, 2021
Registration Closes June 20, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project June 20, 2022
Winners announcement Date September 15, 2022
Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition