modern primitive interiors reinterpret romantic sensibilities of 17th century history paintings


a 21st century interpretation of 17th century romanticism


Theo C. Domini’s conceptual series MEDICI summons the imagination of the 17th century history paintings depicting young, aspiring artists on their journeys across Europe. The conceptual digital renderings imagine 21st century architectural interiors reinterpreting the studios and private chambers of ambitious artists who had traveled across the continent on The Grand Tour on an enriching journey seeking inspiration, education, and instruction.


The renderings reveal minimalist, almost primitively rustic chambers that are left free of any adornments to create a relaxing space for rest and recluse, pushing inhabitants to summon their imaginations for introspection. The dark wooden spaces create a sense of intimacy and Romanticism, with expansive empty rooms illuminated only by soft glows of light. 

modern primitive interiors by theo domini reinterpret romantic sensibilities of 17th century history paintings
all images by Theo C. Domini



theo c. domini’s rustic interiors encourage introspection


Seeking inspiration for his series, Theo C. Domini looks to the portraits of artists traveling through 17th century Italy, including a portrait of French painter Louis Vincent Leon Pallière in is bedroom/studio at the Roman Villa Medici by Jean Alaux. Created in 1817, the scene captures a pared back sense of intimacy and Romanticism with the artist longingly playing his instrument against a picturesque natural backdrop, surrounded by only a few of his cultural finds adorning the walls.


The sparse interiors of the 17th century paintings, void of lavish ornamentation mark an unexpected juxtaposition to the lavish connotations of The Grand Tour. The images capture ‘a balance between the superb influence of the environment which welcomes [the artist], and a certain distance which allows him to become the support of an experience with ourselves,’ writes Domini.

modern primitive interiors by theo domini reinterpret romantic sensibilities of 17th century history paintings
the architect reinterprets 17th century romanticism with his modern rustic interiors



The architect collaborates with designer William Guillon to render interiors that capture a similar sensibility. The rustic, minimalist interiors isolate the inhabitant’s mind from distractions, with the complete lack of adornment pushing them to introspection on an inner journey. Everything is organized around bare necessities, furnished without excess, fostering a reconnection with the notion of a primitive life.


The raw beauty of weathering woods, a soft glow of light illuminating the dark interiors as though exuding from flickering candlelight, and wide renaissance windows together encourage contemplation.‘Here, surrounded by very little, the influence of the place makes you think of things differently.’

modern primitive interiors by theo domini reinterpret romantic sensibilities of 17th century history paintings
soft glows of light illuminate the dark interiors like flickering candlelights

modern primitive interiors by theo domini reinterpret romantic sensibilities of 17th century history paintings
renaissance windows with picturesque views emulate 17th century art

modern primitive interiors by theo domini reinterpret romantic sensibilities of 17th century history paintings
Louis Vincent Leon Pallière in is bedroom at Villa Medicis by Jean Alaux (1817)

medicis 5
the unadorned interiors encourage contemplation and introspection

medicis 6
the series draws inspiration from portraits of artists in their chambers on The Grand Tour



project info:


designer: Theo C. Domini & William Guillon


designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: ravail khan | designboom


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