meet soheil hosseini’s mesmerizing, AI-generated birds from the future
‘acidosis’ by soheil hosseini: a new generation of animals
Iranian artist and designer Soheil Hosseini presents his mesmerizing and incredibly detailed illustration of bird-like creatures, each digitally rendered with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Dubbed ‘Acidosis,’ the series specifically explores a new generation of animals, part-owl and part-rooster, that could potentially flourish in the future. In addition to animalistic features, Hosseini also endowed most of his creatures with striking floral features, like petals and moss-like growth, inviting an unusual symbiosis of species.
Apart from the hyper-real coating of each animal, one element that is sure to captivate the viewer is the eye drawn at the center, oozing almost a human-like stare with its scintillating reflection.
RSTR IV | all renderings © Soheil Hosseini
from AI elements to Procreate and digital painting
With a resolution spanning from 4,000 x 4,000 to 7,000 x 7,000, the ‘Acidosis’ series by Soheil Hosseini (see more here) was initially designed using AI elements on the online platform Midjourney. Once the drawing was complete, the artist later refined each bird-like creature using programs like Photoshop and Procreate on an iPad Pro, combined with a digital painting application.
Hosseini’s new digital renderings are also going to be part of the NFT world.
Mesmerized III
Metamorphosis II