litepulse eco-lantern lights up simply by including salt and water


science meets practicality


science meets practicality with litepulse, a multifunctional eco-lantern that lights up just by adding salt and water. whether the user goes camping or travels in a deserted land, they no longer have to worry about carrying packs of batteries; just a bag or pack of salt and a bottle of water – or even water coming from a source in the location they will be sojourning – and they are good to go.


the entrance of the power generation via saltwater has risen up, producing safe and clean electricity by using an aluminum-air battery and the chemical reaction of aluminum with air and saltwater. litepulse is an innovative lantern that aims for sustainability by disposing of any use of batteries or charging, unlike conventional lanterns, and generates electricity simply by adding water and salt to the main unit.

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
images courtesy of makuake



chemical reaction


an aluminum plate is set as a positive electrode inside the main body of litepulse, and electricity is generated when the water and salt are added and the aluminum reacts to the solution. the brand deems its product an ideal tool for disaster situations since it can generate electricity with any available water such as drinking water, rainwater, seawater, urine, and soy sauce.

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
litepulse can stay lit up for 150 hours



integrated charging system


another feature that marks litepulse is the USB charging system integrated into the lamp. the electricity that runs from the saltwater solution also allows the phones to be charged while the lamp is lit up. as for replacement issues, the brand shares that one aluminum plate can supply electricity for about 150 hours, but the saltwater solution needs to be changed every 8 hours and after 150 hours for the new aluminum plate. commercially available and table salt is highly recommended for us rather than rock salt or salt with additives. 

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
just add salt and water

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
a chemical reaction makes it light up

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
recommended during emergency situations

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
the lantern charging the phone

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
eco-lantern that does not use any batteries or electricity

eco-lantern litepulse lights up just by adding salt and water
epitomizing science meets practicality



project info:


name: litepulse

company: gallop innotek

full listing: here

matthew burgos | designboom

mar 03, 2022


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