in asian-inspired brutalist tones the mutis lodge is envisioned in indonesia

in japanese aesthetics the mutis hotel is visualized


with brutalist tones and minimal vibes, the monumental envision of 279 concept studio for the mutis hotel surfaces in indonesia. in a duration of two months, the visualization with refer to japanese aesthetics takes shape. 


‘one of the ideas of this project was to give people the opportunity to feel like a part of nature through location, natural materials, colors, art objects and interaction of plants with interior and architecture,’ explain the designers.

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the outdoor bar is partly made of old wooden japanese façade. the custom lamps placed randomly above the bar counter are made of rusty metal

all images courtesy of 279 concept studio



279 concept studio model the hotel in minimalistic lines and stylistic combinations


ukraine-based, 279 concept studio lets imagination roar wild. as the mutis hotel is modelled, the founders, dmitry hlavenchuk and daria hlavenchuk, bring together combinations of different stylistic directions. through geometric, materialistic and furnishing experiments, an almost sacred feeling is portrayed. in minimalistic lines and combinations inspired by asian culture, the attention to textures and details definitely comes through. 


the decorative plaster in the interior, the polished concrete floor, and the custom metal and wood panels on the walls are meticulously studied. from the industrial lighting choices to the wild green plants, an almost memorial-like ambience runs in the hotel. 

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mutis hotel room is a combination of asian and minimalist direction which includes expressive textures and custom details.

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on top of the concrete, several layers of decorative plaster with an aging effect are applied

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the stone bathroom under the open sky

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