HY4 aircraft sets hydrogen-electric world record flying above 7,000 feet



flying at an altitude of 7,230 feet


H2FLY — a Stuttgart-based developer of hydrogen fuel cell technologies for aircrafthas announced that its HY4 has flown at an altitude of 7,230 feet, setting a new world record. The company also reported that they had demonstrated a 77-mile journey from Stuttgart to Friedrichshafen. This marked the first time this type of passenger aircraft had been piloted between two commercial airports, while it was a demo in order to participate in the AERO Friedrichshafen airshow, that took place end of April.


This is a remarkable achievement for H2FLY, as no other hydrogen-powered passenger aircraft has flown between two commercial airports to date. We are also thrilled to have set what we believe to be a new world record by reaching an altitude of over 7,000 feet with our HY4 aircraft. We want to thank our long-time partners Stuttgart airport, university of Ulm, dlr Stuttgart, Friedrichshafen airport, and aero Friedrichshafen, for supporting us in our mission to make sustainable travel a reality,’ mentioned prof. Dr. Josef Kallo, co-founder and CEO of H2FL.HY4 aircraft sets hydrogen-electric world record flying above 7,000 feet all images by H2FLY



Hy4, a zero-emission passenger plane


H2FLY (see more here) aims to explore the possibilities of a safe hydrogen-powered emission-free flight, offering travelers a sustainable journey and providing technology to decarbonize aviation. The HY4 is the first four-seater, propelled by a hydrogen fuel cell. In this cell, hydrogen reacts with oxygen and is converted into electric power and water. The electric power is used for the electric motor, while the only emission here is water.


Hydrogen advantages include long ranges, short refilling time on the ground, zero emissions, and a low noise propulsion system. According to the company, this fuel cell plane is a potential basis for climate-friendly aviation.


Stuttgart airport serves as a long-term partner of H2FLY, playing a pivotal role in supporting the company with its infrastructure.‘We are delighted that HY4 has achieved this next technical milestone. This is another step on the long road of the aviation transformation process towards a more climate-friendly air transport. We see hydrogen-electric engines as the key to zero-emission flying and have therefore been promoting the HY4 project for many years. As a ‘Fairport’, we want to continue to be a pioneer and enabler for the next steps when it comes to sustainability,’ said Walter Schoefer, speaker of the board of Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH.

HY4 aircraft sets hydrogen-electric world record flying above 7,000 feet



Claus-dieter Wehr, managing director of Friedrichshafen airport commented: In the airport’s more than one-hundred-year history, this is the first time a hydrogen-powered aircraft has landed here in Friedrichshafen. We are very pleased that we can thus play our part in the further development and testing of hydrogen-electric propulsion. Particularly in view of the numerous projects on sustainable mobility in aviation, I see great opportunities for the friedrichshafen site to create the framework conditions for innovative aviation companies and to attract them here.’


H2FLY’s four-seat HY4 aircraft acted as a test platform for the further development of hydrogen propulsion systems. According to the firm, this development will enable lay a foundation for a hydrogen-electric-powered, 40-seat Dornier 328, that will be developed jointly with Deutsche Aircraft by 2025.


‘Sustainable aviation is the central topic at this year’s AERO Friedrichshafen. We are, therefore, really pleased that prof. Dr. Kallo and his team from H2FLY are celebrating a trade show world premiere at AERO Friedrichshafen with the HY4 hydrogen-electric aircraft. For more than ten years, we have been showcasing innovations from the field of electric aviation as part of the e-flight-expo. With the AERO Sustainable Aviation Trail, we are illustrating how innovative the entire general aviation sector and this year’s AERO are with over 75 registered exhibitors on this sustainability trail in 11 exhibition halls,’ enthuse head of AERO Roland Bosch and show director Tobias Bretzel of AERO Friedrichshafen.

HY4 aircraft sets hydrogen-electric world record flying above 7,000 feet



project info:


name: HY4 

developed by: H2FLY


christina petridou I designboom

may 31, 2022


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