EMOTIONS ON DISPLAY: International Museum Design Competition


EMOTIONS ON DISPLAY: International Museum Design Competition

EMOTIONS-ON-DISPLAY_-1920X1080.jpg EMOTIONS  ON  DISPLAY: International Museum Design Competition

Contemporary architecture has started to receive more accusations of emotional coldness, and restrictive aesthetics, distanced from humans and life (Pallasmaa, 2015). An essential solution to improve the quality of life is to reconnect architecture with emotions and feelings. Architecture is the main element of our environment. Architecture has an impact on emotions followed by behavior. As the architectural space changes, humans act, think, and feel differently. It is important to architect human emotions of positivity, to create an environment that reduces negative emotions. Purpose:Understanding the effectiveness of variations of environmental and design elements upon human emotions.
Helping the visitor to understand the impact of different architectural spaces on their mind, identifying with their emotions and what are the environmental changes that they require for their well-being.
Design expectations:
•An experimental model of a museum that displays emotions
•Create spaces that evoke different emotions (Plutchik’s model of emotions)
•The user should be able to identify with the emotion that overpowers their mind, so it is important for the designer to design spaces that specifically evoke certain emotions.
•Give importance to the transition spaces from one emotion to another.
•Spaces can be created as individual emotions or functional spaces that depict a particular emotion.
•The sequence of the emotions matters so zone them thoughtfully.
•You have to design a museum – that displays emotions, eventually leading to healing the visitor’s mind.Guidelines:
•Site / Location: It can be hypothetical or real, choose wisely.
•You have to design a museum – that displays emotions, eventually leading to healing the visitor’s mind.
•The word to remember is ‘Experiential’.
•We are expecting spaces that people can experience and identify their own emotions
•Drawing requirements: Conceptual (Priority), Plans, Sections, Elevations, View.
•Support your design with all possible explanations, (Formats that are accepted: Text, Video, Audio and the most obvious drawings).

Key Idea to be remembered:
Contemporary architecture has started to receive more accusations of emotional coldness, restrictive aesthetics, and distanced from humans and life.-Juhani Pallasmaa, 2015

.Keywords to be remembered:
•Emotions: It is a feeling which results from one’s mood, and circumstances.
•Experiential: Involving or based on experience and observation.
•Holistic Architecture: a humanistic approach that integrates the mind, body, and soul.
•Sensory Architecture: the experiences of spaces through the means of using our senses and ability of perception.Participation:
•This competition is open to all.•You can participate individually or as a team (Maximum 3 members in a team)•University students can contact us for discounts – email us at [email protected] Requirements:•Presentation Board (Min. 02 Max. 05 no | size: A1 Landscape format) – JPEG /JPG. format
•Text Summary (Min. 300 words) – Docx./Docs. format
Submission Guidelines:
•Download the submission folder (A zip folder) – Click the requirements button on our online brief.
•Upload all the requirements in the designated folder.
•Rename the folder with your participation code.•Upload the folder to Google drive/dropbox
•Email the link in the format mentioned below:•Email address: [email protected]
•Email Subject: EXMD_your code (example: EXMD_XX_XXX_2202_US)*Do not ask any queries on [email protected], email all your queries to [email protected]

Judgment Criteria:
•Conceptual development
•Design development

The purpose of this competition is to Understand the effectiveness of variations of environmental and design elements upon human emotions.

Link to Registration form

The competition winner receives a bespoke medal as a token of appreciation.
News announcement on global platforms (platforms partnered with us – Global exposure.)Design feature on our platform.
Exclusive Interview in both text & video format (Video feature on our home page)
Certificate of achievement will be awarded to our winners / honourable mentions & a participation certificate to all our participants
Design/article feature on our partnering platform.
Comments from our jurors for improvement and appreciation& MORE

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

•This competition is open to all.
•You can participate individually or as a team (Maximum 3 members in a team)
•University students can contact us for discounts – email us at [email protected]

Registration Opens July 1, 2022
Registration Closes December 31, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project January 15, 2023
Winners announcement Date February 25, 2022

Location of Project (if developed)

Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition



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