Editor’s Letter – October 2022 | News | Architonic


If I had a penny for every comedy bit or meme that I’ve seen on social media recently satirising the troubling energy crisis we find ourselves in, I’d be a rich man. Or, at least, I’d be able to pay my energy bills more comfortably.

Governments across Europe have responded differently in their dash to shore up their nations’ energy security in the face of a fast-approaching winter, whilst implementing – many would argue to insufficient effect – price caps and other forms of financial support for squeezed consumers. Businesses, among them manufacturers, have more often than not been left out of the equation, however. If you map spiralling energy prices onto an already inhospitable landscape of materials-cost inflation and supply-chain issues, it’s a testing time for sure. ‘Pressure creates diamonds,’ goes the old saying. It’s my firm conviction that this crisis is an opportunity to deepen and accelerate our commitment to sustainability – both ecological and social, if we’re to do th…


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