Editor’s Letter – June 2022 | News | Architonic


Water seems to have been a consistent theme over the past few weeks. Firstly in the form of a super-hot Milan Design Week. Both metaphorically and literally.

As early-June temperatures soared in the capital of design and things took a turn for the perspirational, our inaugural DAAily bar at Swiss Corner in Brera became the destination for thousands of A&D lovers looking for both liquid refreshment and refreshment for the mind. Beyond the thousand-plus guests who attended our party to help celebrate the union of Designboom, Architonic and ArchDaily, I’d personally like to thank everyone who pitched up to our Live Talks with some of the world’s leading creative practitioners and opinion-formers. Without you, it wouldn’t have been a dialogue. Missed our speakers? Fear not. You can catch up now by watching our insight-packed talks with <…


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