DIY Diary: My Inspiration for a Laundry Room Makeover

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Photo: Gabrielle Pilotti Langdon

Hi, I’m digital design writer Zoë Sessums. Follow along each week as I try my hand at a DIY project in and around my house. I’ll cover the inspiration, expert advice, and step-by-step plans of everything from challenging builds to simple renovations. This month’s undertaking: A laundry room makeover!

One of the biggest luxuries in the city-to-country transition I made last year was the chance to live in a home with my own washer and dryer. Not only that, but a dedicated room for laundry—even if it’s more of a large closet than a room. Although I love the added convenience the appliances bring me, the organization of the area left much to be desired. The old, clunky machines that came with the house work for the most part, but take up so much of the room. The shelving above them, made of flimsy painted plywood, are all primarily out of reach. I knew this room could benefit from a makeover—laundry rooms are getting so much love these days, and it shows.

Dreamy finds

As usual, I like to go down the inspiration rabbit hole to get my ideas flowing and to narrow in on what I do and don’t want for my own space. Plus, it’s always fun to have a lot of sources in mind to spark some creativity. I knew for sure that I wanted a stacking washer dryer, so I took LG’s matchmaker quiz to find out my laundry love language and browse their selection. I knew I wanted to maximize the small space and make the most of my untapped organizational skills. After getting my results, which pointed me toward front load washer dryer combos, I browsed Pinterest for ideas of how to lay out and decorate the room.

Here are some of the dreamiest laundry rooms that stuck with me. Check back next week to read what I learned from an expert about how to get my laundry room into its most organized state.

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