DAJA Chuanchen Mansion // 9M Design


Text description provided by the architects.

The project is a residential cluster located in Hangzhou City, China, within the Grand Canal cultural life circle.
Our team intergrated characteristics of the area and the whole urban space into design, aiming to create a vibrant community that meets the needs of residents in all aspects and is conductive to the construction of urban space.

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© 9M Design

© 9M Design

The residential design of the project takes into account the entire urban interface of the area, with a combination of white and gold rather than cool colors as the main color of the facade, which adds warmth to the area, enriching the architectural form and public interface of the city.

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© 9M Design

In the architectural details, traditional Chinese architectural elements such as “dougong” and traditional Chinese “dooryard” are incorporated and expressed in a more concise modern architectural language.
The materials continue the industrial building tradition of the area: the base is interlaced with a series of deep grooves; Custom-made curved glass is used in every window and corner to create higher quality lighting and ventilation conditions.

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A central garden is surrounded by the residential buildings, forming a sequence of “main entrance-central garden-residence” from south to north, deducing the traditional Oriental spatial logic with modern architectural form.
A corridor extending from the main entrance connects the courtyards and buildings, making every part of the project closely connected.

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© 9M Design

In the early stage, the exhibition center of the project is open to all residents in the city as a fully open gallery.
Now it is used as retail stores after the renovation of its wall and the foreground, providing residents with a more dynamic supporting facilities system and enhancing the connection between the project and the street and the city..

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© 9M Design

© 9M Design

© 9M Design

DAJA Chuanchen Mansion Gallery


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