Collège Jean Vilar // agence Engasser & associés


Text description provided by the architects.

The school of Jean Vilar integrates a mutiplicity of programs on a challenging site.
The construction was spread over different periods and corners of the site in order to transfer the students from one building to another while insuring the normal maintenance of lessons and schooling life.
The project is made of three distinct parts;

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

The school is divided between the ground floor where the majority of the programmatic exigences are located (restauration room / library / outside spaces ) and the first floor where the class are taking place.
The building is filled with patios, allowing the natural light to penetrate all parts of the building.

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

The curves of the corners and the progressive backing up of the façades makes a paddy field illusion, all roofs being fully vegetalized, the neighbouring housing units can benefit beauiful views of the greenery.
The sport pole is a polyvalent space that can be open to both the school and local associations; thus becoming a socializing place with a larger dimension than just being a gymnasium.

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

© agence Engasser & associés

The school acommodations are designed to be a transition between the new parc ( a large part of the original terrain being retroceded to the city).
Pictures credits © Luc Boegly.

Collège Jean Vilar Gallery


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