citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie


otherworldly 2cv chariot concept by citroen


Citroen has designed a concept chariot for the upcoming film Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom. The vehicle is based on the iconic 2CV model and features iconic design features of the French automobile brand along with motifs from the famous film series. The result sees an otherworldy car with a boar’s stomach suspension, and headlights that are powered by fireflies boosted with a magic potion.

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie

the otherworldly 2CV chariot | all images courtesy of Citroen



boar stomach suspensions and headlights powered by fireflies


The chariot was designed and built in less than three months, compared to the usual 12 months it takes Citroen to develop a concept car. For this unique car, the team focused on the brand’s core values: comfort, technology, and bold design, which gives the film a special touch. As mentioned earlier, the vehicle features a suspension made from a boar’s stomach, as well as a sunroof and a set of lights powered by magical fireflies. Another detail is the wheels, which are made from recycled shields and include Citroen’s iconic chevrons.


The chariot features in different parts of the movie, including when Caesar’s army reaches China, where there is an advertising billboard at the entrance to the country promoting the best car at the time: the 2CV, an incredible chariot made in Gaul, pulled by two horses. This is a subtle allusion to the famous Citroen advertising film made on the Great Wall of China. The wings of the helmet worn by Asterix also feature the new Citroen logo.

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie
the vehicle presents signature Citroen features along with motifs from the famous film series



coming to streaming screens in spring 2023


Citroen’s 2CV chariot marks the partnership between the world-renowned French carmaker and Pathé, Trésor Films, and the Albert René Editors, creators of the new movie. ‘The encounter between these two legends of French culture was nothing short of extraordinary. There has been a bond of sincerity and mutual respect between the Citroen and the Asterix movie teams since the beginning. We were presented with this incredible opportunity to create and build a concept chariot from scratch, and we had the most amazing time working on this project. The result is an ode to the 2CV, the legendary car which represents Citroen in all its glory.’ shares Pierre Leclercq, Citroën’s Global Design Director. 


Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom will stream exclusively on Netflix in the UK in spring 2023.

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie
the sunroof and the headlights are powered by magical fireflies

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie
the unique chariot concept viewed from above

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie
the car also presents a boar stomach suspension

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie
the Citroen logo can be found in the front of the chariot

citroen reimagines iconic 2CV as chariot concept for upcoming asterix & obelix movie
the billboard included in the film


project info: 


name: 2CV Concept Chariot For The New Asterix & Obelix Movie
company: Citroen

myrto katsikopoulou I designboom

dec 17, 2022


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