Capricorn Season: 6 Design Ideas From the Homes of Capricorn Celebrities


Capricorn season is bookended by two extreme vibes. When the end of December comes around with a big bang (and a crash), we’re in full celebration mode. We’re showing off our best outfits at holiday parties, we’re splurging on gifts, we’re getting a break from the grind of the last year. But by the end of January, we’ve shifted toward the austere and mapped out our goals to get us through the next 12 months. These various energies embody what Capricorn season is all about—celebrating how far we’ve come and, yes, being a little materialistic, but also having a vision of what we want to accomplish and doing the work to get there. 

I believe that Capricorn is one of the more enviable signs of the zodiac. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, meaning they can initiate projects and tasks while remaining grounded and steadfast in their ambition. They know how to visualize what they want and not stop until they get it—an energy that we can all bring with us into the new year. If part of your 2023 resolutions includes renovating or redesigning, here are six pro tips inspired by a few of our favorite Capricorn celebrities and their homes.


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Inherit a Family (or Someone Else’s Family) Heirloom

Capricorns are deeply interested in tradition and family and have an appreciation for things that have been passed down from generations. While you’re home for the holidays, why not ask your dad for his unused record player, or your grandma for a dusty needlepoint that’s hanging on her wall? If no one has anything to share, you can always hit an antiques or thrift store and create a new legacy around an old item. Sienna Miller brings this mindset to her cozy English cottage—her home is literally from the 16th century and is filled with art and objects from her loved ones. Sienna mixes paintings from her godmother, a piano from her first boyfriend, and vintage 1930s lamps to create a gorgeous space that’s filled with tons of history. 


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