‘C-ecology’ idea proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize city rivers



‘C-ecology’ is nominated for 2022 green concept award


each year, the green concept award by non-profit organization green future club spotlights concepts for sustainable materials, products, and services that are not yet available on the market. aimed at students, young designers, researchers, start-ups, and companies, the award applauds green ideas seeking to replace non-sustainable products in the future, and thus change the society and economy.


among the numerous entries for the 2022 green concept award, there is ‘C-ecology’ designed by the students of tunghai university in taiwan. the project introduces an ecosystem employing 3D printed ceramics that can adapt to rivers of various sizes, presenting themselves as a coral reef-like formation and providing water organisms with new environmentally-friendly shelters.

'C-ecology' concept proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize urban rivers

all images courtesy of green product award



establishing balance within urban rivers of any region


with these 3D printed structures, C-ecology will establish a new wetland ecosystem that can adapt to rivers of all sizes and depths. the environmentally-friendly ceramic modules will be placed on the surface of the water to provide nutrients, forming an artificial coral reef that welcomes shrimp, shellfish, and other organisms. the species that will inhabit the structures will also increase water circulation. according to the tunghai university (find more here), the newly presented proposal will help establish a balance among the three aspects of hydrophilicity, environmental beautification, and ecosystem in urban rivers. the idea was conceived based on the uban rivers in taiwan, but it can definitely be modified to fit rivers of any region.  


C-ecology has been recognized as a nominee by the people behind the green product award 2022, and was recently listed among the top eight submissions among the ten awardees. the main concept winner will be announced on february 25, 2022.

'C-ecology' concept proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize urban rivers

'C-ecology' concept proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize urban rivers

'C-ecology' concept proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize urban rivers 'C-ecology' concept proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize urban rivers 'C-ecology' concept proposes 3D printed coral reef ecosystem to revitalize urban rivers



project info: 


name: C-ecology 
designers: tunghai university


myrto katsikopoulou I designboom

feb 24, 2022


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