Ayuppie offers architects a game-changing light-planning solution | News | Architonic


We all like to think that architects know everything. Please allow me to say this. I’ve met a lot of them over the years. Indeed, as the old trope goes, some of my best friends are architects. But there are certain competencies, like lighting planning and sound management for example, that even the most rigorously trained of architectural practitioners find challenging.

Enter Ayuppie, a game-changing, AI-powered tool for professionals that allows you to create inspired lighting designs for your projects, as well as connecting you with the right manufacturers and retailers. ‘Lighting is very complex,’ says 26-year-old Italian entrepreneur and company CEO Piera Poser. ‘It involves specific skills, regulations for compliance. You have to know what products are available, which manufacturers can give you solutions. You have to configure products, make lighting calculations. It’s a mess.’


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