arquitectura-G preserves an historic barcelona facade with its ‘casa verdi’ renovation


an urban renovation by arquitectura-g


Arquitectura-G presents its renovation of a townhouse in Barcelona, dubbed Casa Verdi. With great respect for the historic fabric of the Spanish city, the design team maintained the existing facade with its traditional ornamentation — all washed in a clean, white finish. Behind this facade, the house reveals its complex, open organization and lofty interior space. Upon entering, the dwelling descends with split levels towards the rear garden where the full scale of the building can be observed at once.

arquitectura-G casa verdi
images © Maxime Delvaux | @maxdelv



casa verdi: flooded with natural light


Arquitectura-G (see more here) explains the design process of its Casa Verdi: ‘The levels are formed by slabs that cover the span between party walls so the house is fully open. The slabs are broken in the middle of the house dividing it in two parts and creating interior balconies where all circulations happen. This central area is crowned by a skylight that brings natural light to the whole.


The vegetation plays a fundamental role in the house as it runs through all areas, both interior and exterior, being present in all views.’

arquitectura-G casa verdithe original facade is preserved, respecting the urban context

arquitectura-G casa verdi
plant-life inside and out is visible from every area of the Casa Verdi

arquitectura-G casa verdia massive skylight overhead floods the spaces with natural light


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