alice design collective foresees captivating AI-generated insects from the future


A new generation of ‘Robotic Insects’ using Artificial Intelligence


West Coast architect and designer, Alice Design Collective presents mesmerizing and incredibly detailed depiction of insect creatures, each one digitally rendered with the help of artificial intelligence online platform Midjourney. These cyborg inspired insects specifically explore a new generation of insects in the wake of mass extinction seen in this animal population, evoking a mix of insects with robotics that could potentially flourish in the future. 


By 2050, unless serious action is taken the bumblebee population will be extinct. We wanted to create a parafictional reality in which we could demonstrate the future of insects, a future where they become fully automated androids… and what that might look like,’ says Bradley Bowman, founder of Alice Design Collective. 


Alice Design Collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
cyborg-inspired bee

all images courtesy of © Alice Design Collective


GENERATING detailed VISUALS using Ai platform midjourney 


With a resolution spanning from 4,000 x 4,000 to 7,000 x 7,000, the ‘insect’ series by Alice Design Collective was initially generated with AI elements from the online platform Midjourney. Once the drawings were complete, the design collective proceeded to refine each insect, highlighting elements the design firm wanted to showcase. Bradley Bowman states the project was also conducted to highlight the new working relationship designers might have with artificial intelligence, ‘We wanted to explore the new relationship designers might have with artificial intelligence. In this instance, we the designer morphed into more of a curator rather than designer. We curated the information we wanted the algorithm to pull from, allowed the algorithm to develop the results and curated the information we showcased.’ Alice Design Collective’s new digital renderings are also going to be part of the NFT world. 

Alice Design Collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
front view of ai-generated bee

Alice Design Collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
robotic insects with ai-generated metallic exoskeleton

alice design collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
ai-generated cyborg beetle

alice design collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
intricate detail achieved my online ai platform midjourney

alice design collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
ai beetle variation with mesmerising texture and color details


alice design collective's captivating, AI-generated insects from the future
ai-generated dragon fly



project info:


name: Robotic Insects
designer: Alice Design Collective


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions’ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: zaha mango | designboom




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