887 CDs and DVDs make up the ‘compact disc chair’ by boris dennler


Boris Dennler recycles 887 cds and dvds for new furniture piece


Swiss designer Boris Dennler created a recycled chair made out of deformed 887 CDs and DVDs titled ‘Compact Disc Chair.’ Through experimentation, the iridescent discs are deformed with heat and fixed by screws and assembly glue onto a rounded wooden skeleton cut by a digital mill — giving new value and purpose to these soon-to-be obsolete products. The unique furniture will be exhibited in the famous Galila’s P.O.C collection in Brussels this fall.


Since 2004, Dennler’s work has essentially focused on recycling. For this project, he re-imagined the use of compact discs since their product cycle has been dying for 17 years. As he states: ‘Physical hardware is gradually being replaced by the cloud, streaming, USB keys. With the advent of MP3, the 2000s sealed the gradual disappearance of the audio cassette, then of the compact disc. Nevertheless, the vinyl record has managed to survive somehow, to currently experience a renaissance, pampered by a few aficionados.’

887 cd's and dvd's make up boris dennler's recycled 'compact disc chair'
‘compact disc chair’ made of 887 CDs and DVDs

all images courtesy of Noé Cotter



experimenting with different temperatures


The research of this project considers different methods to exploit CDs and DVDs as materials. Product Designer Boris Dennler returns to the starting point of this material, plastic. To apply his research on this artistic project, he experiments with different hot temperatures and tools to explore multiple deformations resulting from 887 discs. Following the discs’ original circular shape, the fish-scale appearance naturally took shape while designing the chair. The overlaying iridescence evokes a multicolored chain mail linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. In the sun, the discs radiate dozens of sparkling colors across the room — a sight to see at the Galila’s P.O.C collection show. 

887 cd's and dvd's make up boris dennler's recycled 'compact disc chair'
‘compact disc chair’ radiating dozens of colors onto the space

887 cd's and dvd's make up boris dennler's recycled 'compact disc chair'
closeup of the deformed compact discs


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