7 Feng Shui Bedroom Design Ideas to Try This Weekend


Creating a feng shui bedroom may be a mysterious and ancient approach to decorating, but it’s actually an intuitive and intentional use of space. “Feng shui is all about enhancing your environment, making it as optimal as possible for your own performance in the various aspects of your life,” says Cliff Tan, TikTok influencer and author of Feng Shui Modern. “It is about applying common sense and instinct.” 

That’s especially true of the feng shui bedroom—a sanctuary from the outside world. “It is your place to recharge and forget about the tasks of everyday life,” Tan says. “The goal is to create a neutral place where you do not think, and your mind lets go and relaxes.” Here, seven easy-to-implement feng shui elements to bring calming energy into your bedroom.

1. Anchor your bed

A solid wall behind your bed will ensure a sense of control.

Photo: Thomas Loof

Since the bed is the most important element in the room, you’ll want to situate it in the command position—that is, a place where you can see the door (but aren’t in the direct line of it), with a solid wall behind it. “[In feng shui] the command position satisfies a very natural need for protection and, as its name suggests, a desire to command the space around you,” Tan says. “We associate risks with things that we cannot see or cannot control. So if your bed is not in the command position, you might feel exposed or vulnerable and, in turn, sleep less soundly.”

Another feng shui bedroom tip is to make sure that your bed is anchored by a headboard, advises Anjie Cho, interior architect and feng shui designer in New York. “A headboard represents stability. You want a headboard that is solid without any perforations, like bars, which could represent imprisonment—in a relationship or with yourself.” 

2. Declutter the nightstand and drawers

“Clutter disrupts the energy of [a] space by blocking the flow,” says Jill Croka, founder of Jill Croka Designs in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “It [can] lead to stagnation, holding you back and keeping you from progress in life.” That’s why it’s important to clear away any unnecessary untidiness. Croka, who has a background in healing design, also suggest you free space in drawers as well as table tops. All items and smaller necessities must have a place, either a cabinet, drawer, or container.

Just don’t stuff everything under your bed. “If you do have storage, you can have sleep-related items like pillows and blankets, but you don’t want anything emotionally charged like luggage or pictures or letters from your ex,” Cho says. “When you’re in this passive Yin state, you really absorb those energies.”

3. Create symmetry

Pairs create a sense of balance and, in turn, a feeling of calm.

Photo: Adam Murphy Photography


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