4th World Campus Master 2023-2024


4th World Campus Master 2023-2024

_20230803174356-1.jpg 4th World Campus Master 2023-2024

Mala mujer.:
1、第四届“WCM世界校园大师”设计&艺术专业分类奖项池(部分)/The 4th “World Campus Masters” Design & Art Categories Award Pool (Partial)
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 建筑设计类 – 冠军及三强The 4th WCM – Architectural Design Category – Champion & TOP 3第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 室内设计类- 冠军及三强The 4th WCM – Interior Design Category – Champion & TOP 3第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 景观设计类- 冠军及三强The 4th WCM – Landscape Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 城市设计类- 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Urban Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 工业设计类- 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Industrial Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 平面设计类- 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Graphic Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 时尚设计类 – 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Fashion Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 视觉传达设计类 – 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Visual Communication Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 艺术与科技类 – 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Art and Technology Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 数字媒体艺术类 – 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Digital Media Art Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 材料创新应用 – 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM –Material Innovative Application Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 公共艺术类- 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Public Art Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – UI设计类- 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – UI Design Category – Champion & TOP 3
第四届WCM世界校园大师 – 服务设计类- 冠军及三强
The 4th WCM – Service Design Category – Champion & TOP 3

……不限更多类别/More categories without restrictions

Mala mujer.:
2、第四届“WCM世界校园大师”学院类奖项池/The 4th “World Campus Masters” Design Institutions Award Pool:
The 4th WCM – The Most Influential Design Institution Award第四届WCM世界校园大师-最具影响力院长奖
The 4th WCM – The Most Influential Dean Award
The 4th WCM – The Most Forward-Looking Brand Course Setting Mentor Group Award
The 4th WCM – The Best Design/Art Course Setting Mentor Group Award
The 4th WCM – Innovative Organization Design Institution Award

Mala mujer.:
3、企业自定义奖项/Corporate-tailored Award“WCM 世界校园大师”设有企业设置自定义奖项的特殊机制,全球所有企业、机构皆可自定义设立年度特别奖项,自定义奖项设立方案由企业与Young Bird Plan竞赛组委会共同制定,并在designverse官网竞赛命题内实时更新和发布,发布时间为2023年6月~10月。
“World Campus Masters” has a special mechanism for enterprises to customize awards. All global enterprises and organizations can establish annual special awards according to their preferences. The scheme for establishing customized awards is jointly developed by enterprises and Young Bird Plan Competition Committee. It will be updated and announced in real-time within the competition brief on the designverse official website, from June to October 2023.

World Campus Masters Selective Design Program (short for “WCM”) was launched by Young Bird Plan in 2019. This program, composed by two parts – “World Campus Masters Excellent Course Works Exhibition” and “World Campus Masters Annual Course Works Selection”, is committed to recognizing the fresh blood of contemporary design through evaluating course works and graduation designs from global young students and designers in different regions and cultures. It encourages original design thinking in campus to conduct a positive dialogue with the global design industry, bringing young talents to the world’s influential design platform, enterprises and industry chainas well as the cutting-edge design ecosystem.

Link to Registration form

The Champion of WCM Design & Art Category Award in 2023 will be selected separately from all classified design majors, with each category as a group, and there is no limit on category and group gain: RMB 1,600 (before tax) + Award certificate

Top 3 of WCM in 2023 will be selected separately from all classified design majors and will gain: RMB 1,000 (before tax) + Award certificate

The winning works stated above include the Champion & TOP 3 for each Design & Art Category Award, and have opportunities to be awarded the Corporate-tailored Award.

The shortlists of the WCM will gain:Shortlist certificate.

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

1. It is free of charge and open to all global participants of any major related to design or art, including students, undergraduates, post-graduates and doctors as well as designers who shall graduate within 5 calendar years(2019-2023). Both individuals and teams can participate in the WCM and the submitted works include but not limit to your course works and the completed graduation design works.
2. Team entries should be designed by the actual participants of the design work. There is no limit on the number of participants in each group. Only one work is allowed to submit for each group.
3. All team members are required to register on designverse website (www.designverse.com.cn). For common questions, please visit Q&A on our website. If you have any questions, you can add the WeChat: youngbirdplan for consultation.

Registration Opens August 2, 2023
Registration Closes February 28, 2024
Deadline to Submit Project February 28, 2024
Winners announcement Date April 1, 2024

Location of Project (if developed)

Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition


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